Welcome to WRE 2022!
The 8th International Conference on Water Resource and Environment (WRE 2022) will be held online from November 1-4, 2022. It is aware that COVID-19 is still out of control for many countries, and the conference is committed to reducing the risk of adverse health impacts to all of our participants. Therefore, after serious consideration, we decides to convert WRE 2022 from onsite conference in Xi'an to a full online conference by using Microsoft Teams.The WRE conference highlights the needs to maintain the sustainability of indispensable water resources under increasing uncertainty and to protect the fragile water environments under the growing concern of intensive use of water we are facing today. As an annually held conference, this conference has been successfully held Online in 2021 and 2020, and physically held in Shanghai, Qingdao, Kaohsiung, and Macau in the past years.
Having held the position under several of the most important dynasties in Chinese history, Xi’an is one of the oldest cities and the oldest of the Four Great Ancient Capitals in China. It is the capital of 13 ancient dynasties in China, which could date back to 1200 years ago. Even before the lives of Christ, Mohammad, and Siddhartha, Xi'an was an excellent city and already influencing the world outside of the Great Wall of China. Best known for its ancient historical ruins, museums, cultural relics, and archaeology, Xi'an draws visitors wanting a glimpse of the Middle Kingdom 's long and spectacular history.
We look forward to meeting you all in the beautiful city Xi’an!
Important Dates
Time Countdown 0 Days LeftFinal Round of Submission Deadline:
September 10, 2022
Submission System Review System
Files Download

2. Abstract Template
3. Proceedings Template
4. Attendance Confirmation Form
5. 2022 CFP Brochure

Unpublished and original papers are encouraged to submit via the Online Submission System. All submitted full papers will go through the peer review process and acceptance will depend on the quality, originality, language and relevance.1. Accepted full papers will be published in the upcoming WRE 2022 conference proceedings in Springer book series "Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering". All books in the series now indexed by Scopus and EI Compendex database!
2. Selected papers will be recommended for publication in related SCI-indexed journals with Impact Factor, including but not limited to:

Ecological Chemistry and Engineering S-CHEMIA I INZYNIERIA EKOLOGICZNA S
Sciendo, IF=1.663
ISSN: 2084-4549(Online)
1898-6196 (Print)
Sciendo, IF=1.663
ISSN: 2084-4549(Online)
1898-6196 (Print)

Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Springer, IF: 5.19
ISSN: 0944-1344 (Print) 1614-7499 (Online)
Springer, IF: 5.19
ISSN: 0944-1344 (Print) 1614-7499 (Online)

Journal of Hydrology
Elsevier, IF=6.708
Special Issue: Urban Hydrological Processes
Submission Deadline:
October 7, 2022
Elsevier, IF=6.708
Special Issue: Urban Hydrological Processes
Submission Deadline:
October 7, 2022

Journal of Marine Science and Engineering
Special Issue: New Frontiers in Marine Environmental Toxicology
MDPI, IF = 2.458
ISSN: 2077-1312
• Accepted papers will be recommended for publication in the following regular journals:
Engineered Science (Indexed by Scopus)
International Journal of Environmental Protection
Journal of Water Resource and Hydraulic Engineering
WRE 2022 Best Awards | Congratulations!
Best Oral Presentations
Session 1: Marine Science, Ecology, and GeosciencesTargeted Approaches to Implement Nature-Based Solutions in Aggitis Watershed, Greece with the Use of New Technologies
Dr. George N. Zaimes, Geomorphology, Edaphology and Riparian Areas Laboratory (GERi Lab), Department of Forestry and Natural Environment, International Hellenic University, Greece
Session 2: Water Resources, Water Pollution, and Wastewater Treatment
Adaptability Analysis of Water Pollution and Advanced Industrial Structure in Jiangsu Province, China
Dr. Yang Kong, Business School, Hohai University, China
Session 3: Water Management, and Environmental Pollution
Evaluation of Climate and Coastal Vulnerability of Urban Areas: An East Asian Perspective
Dr. Komali Kantamaneni, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Central Lancashire, UK
Session 4: Climate Change, Soil, and Aquatic Ecology
What Can In-Situ Bioindicators Tell Us About an Ecosystem?
Dr. Subhomita Ghosh Roy, Northern Kentucky University, USA
1. Proceedings of WRE 2021 have been published online by SCITEPRESS Digital Library [May 31, 2022]
2. Welcome Prof. Maurizio Barbieri to WRE2022 and deliver a Keynote Speech! [May 15, 2022]
3. Selected papers of WRE 2021 have been published in Regular Issue (Vol. 29, No. 1 ) of Ecological Chemistry and Engineering S-CHEMIA I INZYNIERIA EKOLOGICZNA S (IF=1.545). [April 25, 2022]
4. Welcome Prof. Andreas N. Angelakis to WRE2022 and deliver a Keynote Speech! [April 12, 2022]
5. Selected papers from WRE2021 have been published in Regular Issue (Vol. 69, No. 1 ) of Indian Journal of Fisheries (IF=0.5). [March 31, 2022]
6. Welcome Prof. Hassan Karimi-Maleh to WRE2022 and deliver a Keynote Speech! [January 10, 2022]
7. Seven Best Oral Presenters and two Best Poster Presenter were selected based on the research quality, presentation performance. They are awarded with a free registration to the WRE2022. [November 30, 2021]
8. We are happy to announce that WRE2021 is successfully held Online via Microsoft Teams during November 1-4, 2021. We had a technical program that consisting of 2 welcome speeches, 4 international keynote speech, 24 invited speeches, 72 oral presentations and 21 poster presentations. [November 5, 2021]
9. Selected papers of WRE 2021 have been published in Regular Issue (Vol. 68, No. 3 ) of Indian Journal of Fisheries (IF=0.5).
[October 1, 2021]
10. WRE2020 Conference Proceedings have been indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus. [February 20, 2021]
2. Welcome Prof. Maurizio Barbieri to WRE2022 and deliver a Keynote Speech! [May 15, 2022]
3. Selected papers of WRE 2021 have been published in Regular Issue (Vol. 29, No. 1 ) of Ecological Chemistry and Engineering S-CHEMIA I INZYNIERIA EKOLOGICZNA S (IF=1.545). [April 25, 2022]
4. Welcome Prof. Andreas N. Angelakis to WRE2022 and deliver a Keynote Speech! [April 12, 2022]
5. Selected papers from WRE2021 have been published in Regular Issue (Vol. 69, No. 1 ) of Indian Journal of Fisheries (IF=0.5). [March 31, 2022]
6. Welcome Prof. Hassan Karimi-Maleh to WRE2022 and deliver a Keynote Speech! [January 10, 2022]
7. Seven Best Oral Presenters and two Best Poster Presenter were selected based on the research quality, presentation performance. They are awarded with a free registration to the WRE2022. [November 30, 2021]
8. We are happy to announce that WRE2021 is successfully held Online via Microsoft Teams during November 1-4, 2021. We had a technical program that consisting of 2 welcome speeches, 4 international keynote speech, 24 invited speeches, 72 oral presentations and 21 poster presentations. [November 5, 2021]
9. Selected papers of WRE 2021 have been published in Regular Issue (Vol. 68, No. 3 ) of Indian Journal of Fisheries (IF=0.5).
[October 1, 2021]
10. WRE2020 Conference Proceedings have been indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus. [February 20, 2021]
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